Hello, and welcome to my Ancient Egyptian Tarot blog.

My intention here is to tune in to the wisdom of the Tarot, taken back full circle to the land of its Ancestors, and to do a single-card reading every day. I'm sure you will find the messages inspiring, helpful and probably more than relevant to what is going on in your life!

To be honest, I have only worked with these cards for a few months so far, but every reading that I have given - either on-line or face-to-face, has been amazingly accurate and appropriate, never failing to leave people uplifted, excited, comforted, attaining a new level of understanding about a situation, or just plain amused! There are many reactions, as you can imagine, but all of them have been positive - and so I would like to share that with as many people as I can.

I do hope you enjoy the daily single-card readings, and if you would like a more in-depth one - a six card spread - then please do let me know. There is no charge, but donations are always very much appreciated :)

With love & magical blessings.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Ancient Egyptian Tarot Reading for Thursday 29th September 2011

Three of Swords

If you have been going through an upsetting time recently - perhaps on the receiving end of scorn or emotional blackmail, or feeling sorrowful and heartbroken - this card is reassuring you that although it might not seem like it, this is the beginning of an important emotional recovery for you.

Whatever conflicts have been going on in your life have been necessary for your future happiness, leading to happier and better things.

Disappointment will soon become celebration, and you can look forward to more joyful times to come.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Ancient Egyptian Tarot Reading for Wednesday 28th September 2011

Nine of Disks

This a very auspicious card, sometimes known as the Wish Card.

When the Nine of Disks turns up in a reading, material success through your own resources and efforts is assured. You may be anticipating a major change on the practical or financial front - perhaps a house move, change of job, or launching a new venture that is important to you.

With the required amount of dedication, you can achieve your goals and your wishes for success and prosperity will be answered, moving you into a time of fulfillment, comfort and luxury. There is even a suggestion that you may be surprised by an unexpected receipt of wealth, or gifts out of the blue.

Know that you deserve all the good that is coming your way...and make sure you share your blessings with others whenever you can.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Ancient Egyptian Tarot Reading for Monday 26th September 2011

Seven of Cups

You may find yourself being confronted with a bewildering number of choices...several options will be available to you and your head might end up all in a spin!

Look deeply into the heart of the matter and strive to clear away confusion, by meditating, talking it through with someone you trust, or making a "pros & cons" list. Danger comes from dithering and refusing to make a decision, as then you might find yourself on a path imposed by others, and not the one you really want to take.

The Seven of Cups carries with it a suggestion of illusion and concealment, so trust nothing at face-value. It is possible that others have their own motives for trying to persuade you one way, even though they insist that it is "for your own good". There is no malice intended here, it is just that they may still be living in the past and unable to accept the reality of where you are right now in the present.

This really is a case of you being at a crossroads in your life, but you know the answer deep within you...so have the courage to go for it!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Ancient Egyptian Tarot Reading for Sunday 25th September 2011


This is the card of spiritual awakening, and of reconciliation.

You may have been feeling regrets over an old quarrel or a missed opportunity and this can fall into two categories - you will either be beating yourself up, or feeling resentment and anger towards someone you believe has "done you wrong".

Neither of these options are particularly positive, and when Judgement turns up in a reading, it is a call to take action. Try to put the situation right if it is still retrievable, forgive yourself and forgive anyone else involved so that you can move forward with your life.

New doors are opening, new opportunities are becoming available to you and all this will lead to improvement in all areas of your life. But in order to be open to these wonderful changes - perhaps even mystical experiences - you need to release all negativity from the past and drop this last bit of luggage you've been carrying around.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Ancient Egyptian Tarot Reading for Saturday 24th September 2011

The Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands is the card of big changes, perhaps even a complete turnaround of ideas or beliefs which may lead to moving house or traveling.

It is likely that some obstacle or set-back prompted this change, and that in reaching this watershed, you now need a very creative, inspired approach - a change of scene or a change of attitude. This will probably come by way of sudden enlightenment and, and once you have decided on a course of action, you can expect things to happen very quickly, but do try to keep grounded at the same time, as it is important to make sure you are fully prepared before acting in ill-thought-out haste.

This is a very exciting and optimistic card. It talks of a quest for learning and knowledge, particularly of spiritual and mystical things - which will probably lead you to a deeper distaste of all things superficial.

Allow yourself to be inspired, trust your intuition and be open to the signs and the messages the universe is sending you, and you will find yourself in a wonderful and powerful new stage of your life.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Ancient Egyptian Tarot Reading for Thursday 22nd September 2011

Three of Wands

This is quite a similar message to yesterday's card in that it speaks of plans and ideas in their formative stages being ready to be brought into fulfillment.

The time of preparation, or a period of waiting or stagnation is almost over and you are moving from the planning stage to action. Make sure that you take some time to look back at how far you've come so far in making your dreams come true, and build on your past experience.

The Three of Wands is a very positive card, success is well aspected here and you can be assured you are moving in the right direction towards an optimistic future.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Ancient Egyptian Tarot Reading for Wednesday 21st September 2011

Princess of Wands

This is a card of great enthusiasm and ambition.

You may be considering trying something new which is exciting but challenging at the same time. The Princess of Wands is assuring you that if you do have some plans or ideas - even if they are only half-formed in your own head at the moment - then they are worth following through as they could have great implications for your future.

There is a possibility that at times, you may think that this new course of action is too "big" for you and become discouraged at the first sign of difficulty.

Keep focused, do not allow yourself to become distracted, maintain your enthusiasm and the success you are working towards will be yours.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Ancient Egyptian Tarot Reading for Monday 19th September 2011


Not surprisingly, Strength talks about...well...strength, but says that a gentler, more personal approach is more effective right now than brute aggression.

This is not a time for letting your emotions run away with you, it is a time for accepting things as they are and working on the qualities of diplomacy, patience and endurance.

When Strength turns up, it usually indicates that you have been weathering out a situation - either a rocky patch in a relationship, or an apparently unrecognised period of effort. You may have been considering giving up, but this card assures you that if you use gentle persuasion and are prepared to compromise, then you can win through.

That is not to say that you should stick in no-win situation, or continue to pour time and energy into someone or something that will never come to any good, just because you think you are not strong enough to walk away. You will know if this is the case, and by calling on the help of this card, you will be able to gracefully cut your losses and use your strength for yourself.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Daily Ancient Egyptian Tarot Reading for Sunday 18th September 2011

The King of Cups

The King of Cups is concerned with matters of security and achievement in worldly terms.

This is a time when determination and single-mindedness will pay dividends if you are working towards a goal. A degree of patience may be necessary as this may be a long process that should not be hurried.

Be methodical, pay attention to detail and watch financial matters closely. This way, success and prosperity are guaranteed and you can look forward to your life becoming even more comfortable and fulfilled - both for yourself, and those you care for.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Daily Egyptian Tarot Reading for Saturday 17th September 2011

Five of Cups

This card reflects a disappointment or emotional set-back, but says that it is important to keep things in perspective and see if anything can be salvaged.

The Fives are the cards of communication, so it is possible that lack of communication may be the problem here.

If, however, the situation or relationship is beyond retrieving, no matter how severe the set-back, the best course of action is to be thankful for all the other blessings in your life and try not to wallow in self-pity.

This is not saying deny your feelings and your hurt as, of course, it's really important to let your emotions out, but remember that 'this too shall pass' and if you can focus on making this a time of reassessment and restructuring, then feelings of disappointment could be turned into a time of positive action.

Be strong, and look to making your future a brighter place!

Friday, 16 September 2011

Daily Ancient Egyptian Tarot Reading for Friday 16th September 2011

The Chariot

This card indicates that the winds of change have been blowing and that you may find yourself being carried along in a direction that is no longer working for you.

There is always a lot of pressure in life to fit in with the crowd and to live up to other people's expectations, but The Chariot is suggesting that it is now time for you to take firm control of your own circumstances.

You have a good idea how you want your life to be, even if that differs somewhat from what other people expect, and yes, it is difficult standing out against the crowd and moving away from the familiar. However, this card does indicate that progress, success, a new level of self-confidence and good health can all be expected if you do take hold of the reins of your own life.

Ultimately, triumph can be yours, but it is vital that you choose your own route so that you can have no complaints about the destination you arrive at!