Hello, and welcome to my Ancient Egyptian Tarot blog.

My intention here is to tune in to the wisdom of the Tarot, taken back full circle to the land of its Ancestors, and to do a single-card reading every day. I'm sure you will find the messages inspiring, helpful and probably more than relevant to what is going on in your life!

To be honest, I have only worked with these cards for a few months so far, but every reading that I have given - either on-line or face-to-face, has been amazingly accurate and appropriate, never failing to leave people uplifted, excited, comforted, attaining a new level of understanding about a situation, or just plain amused! There are many reactions, as you can imagine, but all of them have been positive - and so I would like to share that with as many people as I can.

I do hope you enjoy the daily single-card readings, and if you would like a more in-depth one - a six card spread - then please do let me know. There is no charge, but donations are always very much appreciated :)

With love & magical blessings.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Ancient Egyptian Tarot Reading for Monday 26th September 2011

Seven of Cups

You may find yourself being confronted with a bewildering number of choices...several options will be available to you and your head might end up all in a spin!

Look deeply into the heart of the matter and strive to clear away confusion, by meditating, talking it through with someone you trust, or making a "pros & cons" list. Danger comes from dithering and refusing to make a decision, as then you might find yourself on a path imposed by others, and not the one you really want to take.

The Seven of Cups carries with it a suggestion of illusion and concealment, so trust nothing at face-value. It is possible that others have their own motives for trying to persuade you one way, even though they insist that it is "for your own good". There is no malice intended here, it is just that they may still be living in the past and unable to accept the reality of where you are right now in the present.

This really is a case of you being at a crossroads in your life, but you know the answer deep within you...so have the courage to go for it!

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