Hello, and welcome to my Ancient Egyptian Tarot blog.

My intention here is to tune in to the wisdom of the Tarot, taken back full circle to the land of its Ancestors, and to do a single-card reading every day. I'm sure you will find the messages inspiring, helpful and probably more than relevant to what is going on in your life!

To be honest, I have only worked with these cards for a few months so far, but every reading that I have given - either on-line or face-to-face, has been amazingly accurate and appropriate, never failing to leave people uplifted, excited, comforted, attaining a new level of understanding about a situation, or just plain amused! There are many reactions, as you can imagine, but all of them have been positive - and so I would like to share that with as many people as I can.

I do hope you enjoy the daily single-card readings, and if you would like a more in-depth one - a six card spread - then please do let me know. There is no charge, but donations are always very much appreciated :)

With love & magical blessings.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Daily Egyptian Tarot Reading for Saturday 17th September 2011

Five of Cups

This card reflects a disappointment or emotional set-back, but says that it is important to keep things in perspective and see if anything can be salvaged.

The Fives are the cards of communication, so it is possible that lack of communication may be the problem here.

If, however, the situation or relationship is beyond retrieving, no matter how severe the set-back, the best course of action is to be thankful for all the other blessings in your life and try not to wallow in self-pity.

This is not saying deny your feelings and your hurt as, of course, it's really important to let your emotions out, but remember that 'this too shall pass' and if you can focus on making this a time of reassessment and restructuring, then feelings of disappointment could be turned into a time of positive action.

Be strong, and look to making your future a brighter place!

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